It’s Important To Be Knowledgeable About A Topic Prior To Speaking

Yesterday the Shinshinim came to our classes to teach students in Grade 7 and 8 about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict narrative. Liam and Inbar emphasized the importance of understanding and learning all that you can about a topic before you try to explain it someone else. In the activity shown below, students were given a topic and then asked to speak about that topic for two minutes straight without stopping.

Upon completion of this activity students were shown a Crash Course History video about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Crash Course History Link

Liam and Inbar did a fantastic job explaining a common misconception that the conflict revolves around religion. In reality, the conflict stems from a land dispute. The land in which Israel sits upon was promised to multiple parties by the British. The Shinshinim used various maps and graphics to show how the borders of Israel have changed depending on the year/moment in history. We look forward to our next session!

Pictures and links to video below






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