This week, we started off on Monday by visiting our friends in Hillel Lodge. We were able to tour their rooms and hear about their fascinating backgrounds.  Prior to our visit, we learned all about the characteristics of a good friend and the elements of a strong friendship. This allowed us to strengthen our own relationships with the Hillel Lodge residents!


Throughout this week, the grade 8 students will also be preparing for our debate. We will be looking through texts and doing online research in order to collect information. The topic of our debate is modesty. Mr. Washerstein’s class, we are learning the skills on how to present a debate. In Dr. Marcovitz’s class, we will be researching in the Talmud, as well as relating biblical times to the present! The lessons from both classes will allow us to have a successful debate!


Being the oldest grade at OJCS, it is important for us to take on responsibilities set an example for the younger grades. We have started the shabbat bulletin where we can teach our younger peers! Every Friday, we will be creating a summary of the parashah, along with fun facts for Kindergarten through Grade 5! Our shabbat bulletin is called Shabbat Sheva. The Hebrew word “sheva” means seven. We choose the title Shabbat Sheva because shabbat is on the seventh day of the week. Additionally, the students should take 7 minutes to learn with their parents. 


I’m excited to take on more leadership roles throughout the year!


By: Jessica Age

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