During Mr. Washerstein’s Class

Grade 7

  1. You should have chosen your 20-30 mitzvot
  2. Why did you choose these mitzvot over the other mitzvot?
  3. Categorize your mitzvot by Shabbat/Kashrut/Kindness, etc (possible no category)
  4. Put in order most important to least important Mitzvah. 1 being the most important.
  5. Find in the Torah, which Parsha, Perek and Pasuk each mitzvah is derived from.

Example: Mitzvah – Observe the Shabbat: Parshat Yitro: Perek 20 Pasuk 8

זכור את יום השבת  פרשת יתרו פרק כ פסוק ח

You can find the answers either using Sefaria.org or Google search the Mitzvot


Due: The end of class today. Please emails all of your group’s responses in one email to me. Make sure you list the members of your group.  I suggest splitting up the responsibilities.

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