Sage Advice: Holistic look at Pirkei Avot

The second semester for Grade 8 has been focused on a particular section of Oral Law, a section of Mishna otherwise known as Pirkei Avot. The objectives of this Lookstein course are manifold but the overall goal is to learn the process the Sages took to focus on character development and thus to translate it into our lives. Particularly, as Grade 8 nears their commencement this course is selected as way of honing in on Jewish values through Jewish texts.

We began with a focus on the “rule of three” and connected it to a famous mantra of “the world stands on three things.” The following units elaborated on Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Chasadim. Under the umbrella of Torah, we discussed concepts such as significance of location (where we live/who we surround ourselves with), motivation (what works and doesn’t), how to prioritize time and who should receive honor as beacons of Torah (can be anyone that has taught you anything). We continued with the overarching theme of Avodah. In our study, we used as a way to further discuss how to get the job done and a further analysis of motivation. Finally, we concluded before Pesach with the topic of Gemilut Chesed. In this unit we addressed topics such as identifying different ways to treat others with dignity, different types of interpersonal relationships from friends to community to wider society and finally focused on explaining why Pirkei Avot discourages rejoicing at the downfall of an enemy.

With each area of study, students respond to discussion prompts and write reflections, applying the texts/concepts to real life situations.

Looking forward to continuing our study together!

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