Grade 7: Gemilut Hasadim

This week in Grade 7 Jewish Studies we discussed the importance of gemilut hasadim. Students were able to come up with real-life examples of their own acts of loving kindness. Furthermore, students distinguished the difference between gemilut hasadim and tzedakah.

Students will be completing their Gemilut Hasadim Analysis Assignment.  This assignment will be due on Wednesday, January 11th, 2022. 

Our class came up with a challenge list to see how many acts of loving kindness we could incorporate into our lives within a week. Here is the list that our class brainstormed:

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One Reply to “Grade 7: Gemilut Hasadim”

  1. Dear Grade 7,

    I absolutely love this challenge! The list is terrific. Kindness matters each and everyday. I try to do kind acts whenever I can. I might just try this challenge. DO you think Mr. Wash will do the challenge too?
    Be Kind 🙂
    Mrs. Bennett

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