Jewish Choices – Jewish Voices

At the beginning of the year, we started to discuss the concept of how Jewish Law evolves. Recently, we learned how we can trace Jewish Law from the time of Moses to modern-day.

Each one of you will now explore a topic that interests you.

Power: Solicit Donations, Personal Relationships, Ethics in business

Money: Morally troubling jobs, Credit Card Debt, Child-care

Social Justice: Environment, Criminal Justice, Poverty/healthcare, Discrimination/preferential treatment

Body: Bodyweight/diet, Tattoos, High-Risk behavior

National Security: Justification of War, Conduct of war, Policies of War


Each one of you will present your findings to the class. You can create a video, slide presentation, and or paper. The framework is as follows:

  1. Present Case Study
  2. Questions
  3. Traditional Sources
  4. Contemporary Sources ( you must include a source from a Rabbi/Decision Maker from Ottawa
  5. Personal Perspective and Why
  6. The Halacha

You will have 4 class periods to work on this project.  The only homework is practicing how you plan to present your 10-minute presentation in class.

We will begin this Friday

If you have any concerns or questions, please email me. It will be my pleasure to work with any of you during recess, lunch or via skype.



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