Writing, performing and acting a scene in class

In grade 6 Hebrew the class followed the study book texts and do the exercises and activities. I was looking for additional ways to enjoy and celebrate what we learned recently.

I offered the students to make up a scene with Hebrew dialogue where they will incorporate the new linguistic items they recently learned into a text which they will create and will base on the texts in our study book.

The students worked in groups, they choose characters similar to the ones in the story they have at their study book and added new characters to enrich the scene they created. They also added aspects and elements to the story and did it while using the new linguistic items that where recently learned in class.

After a few lessons of developing the text and practicing it, the students acted the scene using the dialogue they developed. They had fun writing, performing and acting.

The students found that working together creatively was a great way to make learning a meaningful fun activity, particularly when some of the students had limited experience talking and writing in Hebrew.

Hannukah Sameach,

Dr. Sagy

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