Navi 7- Shmuel Bet (Lookstein)

Will the real king please stand up?

Transition of Royalty, loyalty and Loss

Shmuel Bet: Chapters 1-4

Perek 1: David is informed of the tragic end of King Shaul and his son, Yonatan by an Amalekite lad. He informs David that he was an accomplice in killing Shaul. Thinking that the Amalekite was trying to win over David, David reacts strongly to this Amalekite on several fronts. David clearly wants all to know that he is not interested in annihilating the previous dynasty and that doing so will not be a cause for promotion or favor.

He then laments the death of King Shaul (his father-in-law) and his best friend, Yonatan. Although his relationship with Shaul was complex, he recognizes the greatness he possessed. As for Yonatan, he mourns his best friend and their friendship. He recognizes them both as significant warriors to Am Yisrael and mourns the national loss.

Perek 2: David had been anointed privately awhile before (in Shmuel Aleph/I Samuel) and recognized that his time to ascend the monarchy had arrived. Consulting with Hashem, he moves to Hebron making it the capital of his tribe, Judah. Avner, the army general of Shaul is reticent to let the monarchy leave the tribe of Benjamin. He coronates Shaul’s surviving son, Ishboshet for the rest of Israel. The division fuels play fights led by both Avner and Yoav, David’s army general. A civil battle follows with casualties, including Yoav’s brother Asah’el.

Perek 3: Ishboshet accuses Avner of criminal charges, intimating that he is trying to assume the kingship himself. Avner responds angrily to the accusation, informing him that he will switch over to David’s side. David accepts Avner’s move with one condition, the bringing back of his first wife, Michal. With the acquiescence to the condition, Avner sets out to convince the Israelites to all proclaim David as king. Yoav gets wind of Avner’s move and explodes angrily at David for allowing this traitor to join forces. He then summons Avner back, assassinating him with guile. Upon hearing the news, David is appalled and criticizes Yoav harshly and both leads Avner’s funeral procession as well as offer a eulogy for this leader in Israel.

Perek 4: With the tribe of Benjamin losing almost all of its power, two army generals plot and assassinate Ishboshet. They approach David in a similar manner as the Amalekite thinking they will win his favor. Their end is similar to that of the Amalekite with David articulating & demonstrating his strong opposition to those who act criminally in order to gain his favor.

With the ‘rocky’ transition of leadership now ending, we will begin with David assuming the throne fully when we return from winter break!

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