Owning our own learning in 8th grade Hebrew Core

Hi everybody!

I’m excited to share with all of you the amazing work that the students of the 8th grade are doing in the Hebrew Core class. Taking in mind one of our North Stars, “Own your own learning”, I can share some experiences that express and show this guide for our work at school.
As you know, we are working on the topic of “Food” and with that, the students are learning and practising the present tense in Hebrew (zman hove) so they can write a recipe (matkon)  taking in mind the correct way to write verbs.
Also, as I mentioned, the students are working on a dictionary (milon) with all the vocabulary learnt.
On this matters, one of the students owned her own learning and was the teacher for a day, showing how the present tense works for singular, plural, feminine and masculine. You’re gonna be able to see some pictures of it and a video (click in the link). Also you’re gonna be able to see how the other students where engaged, participating and asking questions.
Also, she suggested to do an online format for the milon, and wrote it in to a Google Docs, so you and her peers will be able to have an organized, structured and amazing way to have it at hand. I’m adding the link to it here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dkJpg_AGFEsGR6x_nSa3xVPOZsPLHF54Y_Ao-utt99o/edit?usp=sharing

So proud of all the work that all the students are doing, specially when they own it!

Keep doing this amazing job guys!


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