Grade 7: Pirkei Avot Ch. 1 Personal Analysis

We have begun discussing and analyzing Ch.1 of Pirkei Avot. We will continue to break down this text as our cohort works on developing coherent interpretations and supporting their ideas. Students are being asked to review the 18 verses and select the two verses that they feel are most important. This activity requires students to synthesize information and create personal connections with historic Jewish texts.

Task Breakdown:

Step 1: Each student will read Pirkei Avot Chapter 1 individually

Step 2: Decide which two verses (lessons) you believe are most important

Step 3: Write two paragraphs (one per verse) explaining their importance and the lesson that you learned from contemplating these texts

  • What does the text say?
  • Why is this text important?
  • What lesson can we learn from this text?

Step 4: Share your Google Doc with Mr. Wash

Grade 7: Introduction to Pirkei Avot

This week the students will be diving into the first chapter of Pirkei Avot. We reviewed the benefits of annotating the text as we read. Additionally, students were encouraged to read and analyze both the Hebrew and English text. As we came across unfamiliar terms, students looked up words in an attempt to uncover their meaning and better understand each lesson. We discussed the value of developing our own interpretations of each text. Students are being asked to create connections between these texts and their own lives. Each student has received a source packet that contains the verses in both Hebrew and English. We have also been using The Illustrated Pirkei Avot as an additional resource. Our sessions thus far have led to fantastic questions and interpretations.

Assignment 1: Ch.1 Illustrated Pirkei Avot Analysis

Click here to access our classroom notes:

Pirkei Avot Google Slides

Pirkei Avot Ch. 1 (Hebrew and English)

The Illustrated Pirkei Avot Cartoons

Sefaria Pirkei Avot Explanations

Grade 7: Interpersonal Mitzvot Video Project

Students are being tasked with diving deeper into one of the mitzvot we have studied in class. This is a fantastic opportunity to head down to the Makerspace and use the green room for video recording.

Interpersonal Mitzvot Project (instructions, organizer, rubric)

Peer and Self Evaluation Form

 Each group will create a video presentation that explains:

  1. Where is the mitzvah and the connection to Judaism explained? (Torah? Mishnah?)
  2. The meaning/significance of the mitzvah 
    • What does the mitzvah mean?
    • Why is it important to Jewish life?
    • Can this mitzvah be interpreted/performed in more than one way?
  1. What have Jewish commentators said about your mitzvah? 
    • Utilize Sefaria to find various commentaries on your mitzvah
  1.   How does this mitzvah connect to your life and modern everyday situations? 
  2.   Why do you believe this mitzvah is important?



  • Research your mitzvah to uncover various interpretations and applications
  • Answer all of the questions above
  • Each person in your group must speak at least once in the video
  • This video will also include a skit/visual representation of the lesson learned
  • Minimum of three minutes long (maximum of eight minutes)


Due Dates:

Monday (2/7)-Group check-in #1

Wednesday (2/9)-Group graphic organizer complete

Monday (2/14)- Script complete

Wednesday (2/16)-Group check-in #2

Friday (3/4)- Final project submitted to Mr. Washerstein

Grades 6-8: International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Thursday, January 27th)

This week the middle school students will be focusing on the Holocaust. Although we typically commemorate the Holocaust on Yom HaShoah, we will also be participating in a variety of Holocaust-related discussions and learning opportunities this week. International Holocaust Remembrance Day was is commemorated on January 27th, as this the date that Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Forces.

On Thursday, students will be taking a virtual tour of the Los Angeles Holocaust Museum. We will learn about the Holocaust and have the opportunity to view some of the exhibits via Zoom. 

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Additionally, students will be participating in the #WeRemember campaign in conjunction with the Jewish Federation of Ottawa.

I have put together a small slideshow with a variety of resources and videos that correspond with International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This is a live document that will be continually updated with resources, videos, and activities.

What Do We Remember on Holocaust Remembrance Day?

Grade 7: Mitzvah Project (Educating Our Community About Suicide and Depression)

Each year the Grade 7 class chooses a Mitzvah Project to work on. The purpose of this project is to incorporate our Jewish values and interpersonal mitzvot into our everyday lives. The Grade 7 class has decided to learn more about suicide and depression as the focus for their Mitzvah Project. They want to help those who are suffering from suicidal thoughts and families that have been impacted by suicide. They have been brainstorming a variety of activities and fundraisers that could help raise awareness and support those in need. We have reached out to a few organizations in Ottawa that we would like to partner with.

Creating an infographic

Why use an infographic?

  • Catches the interest of the viewer
  • Outlines many facts in a compact space
  • Conveys data quickly using images
  • Informs without lots of written information
  • Engages the viewer to think about the topic, because they must explore each part
  • Makes a complex issue easy to understand

Love, Christa. “What Is an Infographic?” TechnoKids Blog, 17 Feb. 2021, 



Students will work with one partner to research and create a Canva infographic to educate students and families about suicide and depression. The goal of these infographics should be to raise awareness regarding these topics. 

  • Please include facts and statistics (from reputable sources) to demonstrate the relevance and seriousness of this cause
  • Feel free to add phone numbers/hyperlink websites that someone in the Ottawa area could access if they need help
  • Choose appropriate images/color scheme for this infographic (nothing too flashy)


Here are some FAQs about suicide/depression that you might want to address:

  1. Who is at risk for suicide?
  2. What are the warning signs of suicide?
  3. What organizations exist in Ottawa to help support someone suffering from suicidal thoughts/depression?
  4. What should someone do if one of their friends or family members is in crisis?
  5. What should someone do if they see a suicidal post on social media?
Relevant organizations:


Grades 6-8: Hanukkah Guided Reading Assignment (Due: Friday 12/3)

The time to light the Hanukiah approaches! Over the course of the next few days, middle school students will dive deeper into some of the various traditions associated with Hanukkah. Students will read and analyze a few different texts and complete the corresponding comprehension questions.

Philadelphia Eagles Menorah

Please remember to answer the questions in complete sentences. 


Click the link below to access the assignment:

Hanukkah Guided Reading Assignment


Grades 6-8: The Festival of Lights is Near!

Next week launches the fun of (C)Han(n)uk(k)a(h)….no matter how you spell it!

We have a full week of celebrations, and can’t wait to participate in some with our whole community! Please take a look at the posters below to see how you can add to our festivities.


Thompson, Melissa. “You Say Chanukah, I Say Hanukkah.” OJCS Language Arts, Edublogs, 23 Nov. 2021,

Grade 7: Lashon Hara Source Analysis (Due: Thursday, November 11th)

Today students will be discussing, analyzing, and determining the significance of the concept of Lashon Hara. As we dive deeper into our discussion of interpersonal mitzvot, students will be asked to create connections between these lessons and their own lives.

Lashon Hara Analysis

Students will also be practicing the following comprehension skills:

  • Previewing questions prior to reading
  • Highlighting keywords/phrases
  • Looking up unfamiliar vocabulary terms
  • Taking notes/jotting down ideas while reading (annotation)
  • Answering questions in complete sentences (referencing the text)

Grades 7-8: D’var Torah Weekly Assignment

Each week, a student from each class will compose a D’var Torah and present it to their peers. This year, students in grade 7 and grade 8 will also be reading and analyzing the corresponding Haftarah selections.

What is a D’var Torah?

A D’var Torah (a word of Torah) is a discussion or explanation based on the weekly parsha. The D’var Torah provides a brief summary and analysis of a lesson or interesting interpretation regarding the weekly Torah portion. 

What is the Haftarah?

The Haftarah portion is a selection from the book of Prophets (Nevi’im). The Haftarah portion is read on Shabbat after the conclusion of the Torah reading. Although the Torah reading cycle is read in chronological order (following the Five Books of Moses), the Haftarah portions are selected in a different manner. Each week the Haftarah portion selected shares a common theme or genre with the Torah portion for that given week. 


Assignment: Each student will create a D’var Torah for an assigned portion that will be shared with their peers during the correlating Thursday tefillah service. Students will practice their public speaking skills and actively engage in Torah study. This assignment will count towards your grade for both Language Arts and Jewish Studies rubrics. 


Click here to access the assignment:

D’var Torah Assignment (Including Haftarah Extension)


Click here to access the final copy checklist: 

D’var Torah Checklist


Click here to access the example: 

Washerstein D’var Torah Example


Click here to access the D’var Torah schedule:

Grade 7 D’var Torah Schedule

Grade 8 D’var Torah Schedule



Grade 7: Jewish Values Project (Presentations begin Monday, October 25th)

As we learn about various mitzvot in Jewish Studies this year, students are being asked to review, analyze, and rank a variety of Jewish values. The purpose of this task is to explore different Judaic concepts and determine which five are the most important. The goal of this project is to convince your peers that the five values you have selected are the most important.

Due Dates:

Tuesday 10/5: Project assigned 

Tuesday 10/12: Check-in #1 (Five values must be picked)

Monday 10/18: Check-in #2 (Review Google Slideshow progress)

Monday 10/25: Presentations begin



Jewish Values Project Instructions


Jewish Values Project Example


Jewish Values Project Template


Jewish Values Project Graphic Organizer (Planner)