How about if I tell you that Math is a language… Have you ever thought about that. Human beings after trying to discover and understand the world, figure out that they needed a language to do so and they saw this potential in numbers and Math. The first thing that Hebrew and Math have in common, they both are languages.
Math tries to explain and figure out the reality and our world by observing the environment. One of the outcomes of this, is that the mathematicians, philosophers and scientists, through observation, understood that the natural world works through rules and laws so they needed to translate that into numbers and… voila! The logic of Math was developed and the formulas to achieve a rule or a law was fulfilled. So second thing here, Hebrew tends to have rules, laws and most important formulas. So if you understand, practice and apply these formulas, most of the things that mastering a language needs, you will be able to do.
So, after all these interesting (or maybe not so much… sorry I’m a nerd ) information, I leave here a presentation where you can find the basic laws and formulas to conjugate a verb into the Present Tense.