Grade 7 Neviim

Due at the end of class today:

Please choose which judge you want to focus on. What did you choose this specific Judge?

Who were the Shoftim?

The theme of the Judges’ leadership was spiritual maintenance. While the Jews were led by these dynamic personalities, they maintained their relationship with G-d, and during the brief intermissions of leadership between shoftim’s terms, they neglected their relationship with G-d. The shoftim’s role was more reactive than proactive, repairing breaches in the dam of Jewish identity as opposed to building and fortifying new dams.

1. The Names and Dates   (for more info –

a) Otniel Ben-Knaz ruled from 1228 to 1188 BCE;

b) Ehud Ben-Gerah ruled from 1188 to 1107 BCE;

c) Shamgar Ben-Anat ruled during Ehud’s final years, died 1107 BCE;

d) Devorah (the only woman among the Judges) ruled from 1107 to 1067 BCE;

e) Gideon Ben-Yo’ash ruled from 1067 to 1027 BCE;

f) Avimelech Ben-Gideon ruled from 1027 to 1024 BCE;

g) Tolah Ben-Puah ruled from 1024 to 1001 BCE;

h) Yair HaGil’adi ruled from 1003 to 981 BCE (overlapping Tolah and Yiftach);

i) Yiftach HaGil’adi ruled from 982 to 976 BCE;

j) Ivtzan ruled from 976 to 969 BCE,

k) Eylon HaZevulon’i ruled from 969 to 959 BCE;

l) Avdon Ben-Hillel HaPir’atoni ruled from 959 to 951 BCE;

m) Shimshon ruled from 951 to 931 BCE;

n) Ayli HaKohen ruled from 931 to 891 BCE; and

o) Shmuel Hanavi ruled from 890 to 877 BCE.

2. The Warriors

Many of the Shoftim led the Jewish people into battle against foreign powers who held military domination over ancient Israel during their reigns. These warriors include Otniel Ben-Knaz, Ehud, Devorah, whose army routed the Canaanites, and of course, Shimshon, whose legendary physical strength crushed the might and morale of the Philistines during his reign and for twenty years after his death.

3. The Career Highlights

While some of the Judges are sparsely described, and others’ careers are richly detailed, each of the Judges offered their unique contributions. Most engaged in political and/or military battles with hostile kingdoms and forces surrounding Israel, while others maintained short and/or peaceful rules. Above all, though, they were judges—above their political and social duties, they judged their people, serving as Halachic authorities in all cases of Jewish law.

Grade 7 Ketuvim

Please listen to Turn! Turn! Turn! by the Byrds.

  1. Please respond to the following: “This song argues that there is a time for everything under the sun. What lesson do you take from this assertion?”

    One of the possible lessons in Ecclesiastes 3 is that life is all about balance.
    In order to feel fulfilled, one has to accept the bad experiences along with the positive
    and enjoyable.

  2. Please read the following Statements from Ecclesiastes. 
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    • Choose three verses that matter to you. What are your reasons for choosing these statements and if there have been times in their lives when they became aware of the necessity of balancing the
    experiences in the three verses they chose?

Due at the end of class today

Parshat Noach and Multiple Intelligences

Dr. Howard Gardner introduced the world to Multiple Intelligences. Reading my previous Parshat Post, Dr. Gardner would characterize the Parsha Players’ play as a Parsha which highlighted the spatial intelligence.

Another example of multiple intelligences is auditory. This week one of the 7th-grade students presented a rap about Parshat Noach.

Enjoy and Shabbat Shalom

Do Jewish Values Exist?

During the next few weeks, we will be focusing on Tikun Olam. Tikun Olam is one of the values Jews and global citizens can relate too.

1.We will watch clips from the movie, Pay It Forward

2. We will critically look at Parsaht Vayishlach
3. Discuss our personal views regarding the question posed in the header, “do Jewish values exist?” and look at different denominational perspectives.
Project: I hope as a class we will be able to come up with monthly projects where we can model “paying it forward”.

Grade 8 Update

Yesterday for me was the true essence why I love working in a Jewish Day School. In the morning Dr. Mitzmacher had a meeting with the community Rabbis. After the meeting was over, Rabbi Finkelstein, entered both Grade 8 and Grade 7 classes to say hello and more importantly teach Torah.  The opportunity for the students to hear, “Living Torah” is what makes OJCS Great!

Grade 7 Tanach Assignments

Due at the end of class. If you want to add more to your assignment, you can turn it Tuesday morning before school begins. Please put the document in your personal folder

Ecclesiastes קהל ת Creating Our Own Meaning This first Megillah sets the framework for the rest of the Megillot . It explores the key words of Ecclesiastes and will teach you that  the human experience includes both successes and challenges, highs and lows. Kohelet will make students to confront the reality that sometimes efforts in life can be futile and that life can even feel meaningless at times. Towards the end of the Kohelet I hope you will all earn that one way of making life meaningful is to live according to personal values that enrich our relationships and our lives.

Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, read during Sukkot, teaches readers to accept that there is a season and place for every experience and that there is thus no need to rush through life without stopping to notice and appreciate. Based on your readings and videos provide a 2-3 paragraph essay why this statement is true.


By Friday

  1. Reading Ecclesiastes
  2. The Importance of Balance
  3. Hevel Hevelim!
  4. What Can I Take from Ecclesiastes?
  5. Creating Our Own Meaning 1ֹ
  6. Creating Our Own Meaning 2


Shoftim, reading Perakim 1-2  Create a presentation/essay describing the cycle of Bnai Yisrael: a. sin, b. punished, c. teshuva, d. judge is sent, e. judge dies.   You must use examples from the pesukim to validate the cycle (mention the pasuk and perek)



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