Grade 7: Pirkei Avot Ch. 1 Response (Due: Friday 4/23)

This week students will be completing their analysis of the first chapter of Pirkei Avot. We have reviewed the majority of these verses as a class. Students are being asked to review the 18 verses and select the two verses that they feel are most important. This activity requires students to synthesize information and create personal connections with historic Jewish texts.

Task Breakdown:

Step 1: Each student will read Pirkei Avot Chapter 1 individually

Step 2: Decide which two verses (lessons) you believe are most important

Step 3: Write two paragraphs (one per verse) explaining their importance and the lesson that you learned from contemplating these texts

  • What does the text say?
  • Why is this text important?
  • What lesson can we learn from this text?

Step 4: Share your Google Doc with Mr. Wash

Dad “We Beat Them”.Grade 8 students work for yom Hashoah

Grade 8 Hebrew class had the opportunity to learn about the Holocaust from different angles. One of the activities was to write their interpretation to Guy Morad’s powerful picture. It was great to read their beautiful ideas.

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Grades 6-8: Yom HaShoah Across Canada

For the second year, the Neuberger is proud to partner with Jewish communities, Holocaust Institutions, and Federations across Canada to commemorate Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. As a nation, we will once again come together virtually, to honour the victims of the Shoah and pay tribute to Canada’s diverse community of Holocaust survivors. The program will include special guests from the east to the west, poignant readings, and survivor testimony, providing us with continued strength as Canadians during these unprecedented times.

The live program will be available for viewing on Thursday, April 8th at 7PM

Click here to access the live link:

Grades 6-8: Yom HaShoah Virtual Assembly

Today is Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day). Today we remember the 6,000,000 Jews who lost their lives at the hands of the Nazi regime.
Here is the video presentation of our Yom HaShoah virtual assembly:
The Grade 8 class has set up a museum-like experience in the chapel. Classes visited the chapel to learn more about the Holocaust. The exhibit included: QR code survivor testimonies, a timeline of events, quotes, information about what life was like for children during the Holocaust, and a poetry/writing prompt station.

Middle School Pesach Project

Our Middle School students completed a project on “The Four Sons of the Haggadah and the Trap In Stereotyping”. You are welcomed to read the project and some of the student’s answers in  Pesach activity,

Four Sons- students answers

We would like to wish our students and their families a Happy and Healthy Passover holiday – חג פסח כשר ושמח

from the Middle School Team,

Happy-Passover-2017-Wishes-Picture-For-Facebook | Jewish Alliance of  Greater Rhode Island


Procrastination and Parables (Lookstein update)

Dear OJCS Families,

In the last few weeks we have had a great time becoming acquainted with the wisdom contained in Pirkei Avot-Ethics of the Fathers. In our class we have been exploring how the sages of the Mishna related to age-old problems such as how to build a strong and positive community or how to be efficient with time management.

In a week when we are busy preparing for Pesach it has served as a timely reminder on how to prioritise our time. The last thing we explored was how the Mishna uses parables to teach important lessons. This too resonates with Pesach when during the Seder we will tell the story of the Children of Israel’s bid for freedom.

Wishing us all a Pesach of meaningful narratives,

Mr. Lipman

Grades 6-7: Passover Update (Morah Rivky)

The Haggadah states, in every generation a person is obligated to regard himself as if he had come out of Egypt, as it is said: “You shall tell your child on that day, it is because of this that the L-rd did for me when I left Egypt.”

There are – at least — two ways to understand this phrase. The first is for us to sit at the seder and imagine ourselves living in an ancient world, enslaved, and suffering and then experiencing the undulated joy of the Exodus. The second is for us to sit at the seder and contemplate what enslaves us in our lives today. Is it our commute to work? Our reliance on technology? Living for the past year through a pandemic?

The students in 6th and 7th grade Navi addressed this idea this week in class in preparation for Passover and developed a third option: to combine the two approaches. Yes, we sit at the seder and connect to our past, and at the same time, we think about how many of the ideas expressed at the seder are relevant to our lives today. We discussed a few ways to “own” the story and some ideas to incorporate into the conversations around the table.

As the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks said: “Education is the conversation between the generations. An army protects a country. Education protects a civilization.” May this Passover celebration protect us and inspire us going forward.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Morah Rivky

Grades 6-8: 2021 Yom HaShoah Cross-Canada Commemoration

Yom HaShoah will be commemorated on April 8th, 2021. Students and families are invited to access a nationwide virtual commemoration program on this date. If you are interested in participating in this event, please click this link to register. 

OJCS students have been invited to participate in a program that provides students with an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about the significance of learning about the Holocaust.

Students will write/create videos respond to the following prompt:

“Why learn about the Holocaust?”

We will submit their responses which will be included in the nationwide commemoration.

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