I want the students to practice using a new tool that I will be using at different points throughout the year. They will need headphones and their device for this task. You can give out iPads if they do not have their own device. They will need to do this completely on their own. I have made a video of our first lesson. Throughout the video, it will pause and ask them to answer some questions. They do not need to worry about getting something wrong, they can always pause and go back to rewatch something if they need, and they must watch the whole video and answer all the questions. If anyone doesn’t have headphones, you can spread them out in different areas in the hallway so they can listen without being disturbed by others.


Reminder Project Due Friday


We spent this week learning about the customs and Mitzvot of Rosh Hashana.

If you have not already turned in your assignment, please make sure you send it to me by the end of the day Friday to receive full credit.

Ktivah V’Chatima Tova, כתיבה וחתימה טובה

ART 1.

Please open the word file. Choose 7points (there is a total of 14). Write the 7 points in your own words. Choose interesting points which you can share with your family.  I suggest make it colorful and add pictures. Create a friendly fun format.
Part 2A
Look at the 2 PDFs. There are 9 symbols. Choose 5 symbols and write them in your own words.  For example Beets:  The Hebrew word for Beets is Silka which sounds like the word ‘lisaleik’ which means remove. On this Rosh Hashanah may God remove our enemies.
  Please remember to add pictures of the symbols and use fun fonts.
Part 2 B
Create 3 of Your own symbols: For example Peaches. Peaches are sweet:  May God provide a peachy year.
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Reminder – Project Due Friday


We spent this week learning about the customs and Mitzvot of Rosh Hashana.

If you have not already turned in your assignment, please make sure you send it to me by the end of the day Friday to receive full credit.

Ktivah V’Chatima Tova, כתיבה וחתימה טובה

ART 1.

Please open the word file. Choose 7points (there is a total of 14). Write the 7 points in your own words. Choose interesting points which you can share with your family.  I suggest make it colorful and add pictures. Create a friendly fun format.
Part 2A
Look at the 2 PDFs. There are 9 symbols. Choose 5 symbols and write them in your own words.  For example Beets:  The Hebrew word for Beets is Silka which sounds like the word ‘lisaleik’ which means remove. On this Rosh Hashanah may God remove our enemies.
  Please remember to add pictures of the symbols and use fun fonts.
Part 2 B
Create 3 of Your own symbols: For example Peaches. Peaches are sweet:  May God provide a peachy year.






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Grade 7 – Week in Review

This week students started asking critical questions about the Chagim (Holidays). The verse in the Torah (Bible) states, “on the first day of the seventh month, will be known as Yom Teruah (Day of the Shofar Blasting). The students asked how can Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, be during the seventh month, Tishrei, and not the first month, Nissan?  Toiling through Jewish text (via the internet) the students figured out that Tishrei refers to start of Creation and Nissan refers to the period when the Israelites left Egypt.

One of the skills we are teaching the students this year is how to learn and become familiar with a diverse group of Jewish texts.

Grade 8 Week in Review (Prepared by Talia Cherun)

This week started off with a trip to the community home Hillel Lodge! There, each student was paired with a resident to befriend. We started to forge meaningful connections that will continue to grow over the next few weeks. We will be returning to Hillel Lodge to catch up with our new friends every Monday.


On Thursday, Ari Kotkowski of the Grade 8 class presented a wonderful Dvar Torah about this week’s Parsha, Ki Tavo. He discussed the concept of punishment and reward, and what it means to give to others. The Middle School students then broke off into groups to discuss questions provided by Dr. Marcovitz. The discussions were led by Grade 8 students.


On Friday, Grade 8 participated in a fun and tasty lesson! We made chocolate logs! The purpose of this, is to practice the concept of Baal Tashchit – Not to waste and recycle instead. This is because used leftover snack from the Middle School retreat, to make something new.

Prepared: Talia Cherun

The Bracha

Grade 6 started the process of understanding the concept of Brachot. We began by identifying what needs a Bracha. Is it just food, travel, something new, a rainbow… Next week we will be looking at the actual text to figure out all the different categories of Brachot. For a fun activity, which will be their assessment, (similar to a Spelling Bee), we will have a Bracha Bee. We hope all of you will be able to join us for the Bracha Bee.

Shabbat Shalom.

The Mitzva of Mezuzah

This week the 7th graders learned about the Mezuzah. They asked each other questions about the laws of the Mezuzah. Do we put a Mezuzah in a boat, a storage room, etc… I explained to the students they were reenacting what the great Rabbinical Sages did in the year 200. The students went around the school to make sure all the appropriate location had Mezuzot. Next week, we will be looking in the text  (the Talmud, the Torah, and the Shulchan Aruch) to understand what are the laws of the Mezuzah. The students are starting to understand the Torah is a living document.