Grades 6-8: Rabbi Bulka Kindness Project Update

The Middle School Students have been busy participating in a variety of Rabbi Bulka Kindness Project experiences. Today the Grade 6A class visited Hillel Lodge and ran a special Kabbalat Shabbat Program. They led a Shabbat Bingo experience for residents. What a great way to bring in Shabbat with valued members of our community.


Speaking of Hillel Lodge, last week we launched our “L’Dor Vador: Passing Wisdom from Generation to Generation” international program. This initiative connects middle school students with elderly members of our Hillel Lodge community through monthly meetups. The program fosters meaningful connections by exploring Jewish traditions, history, and values through storytelling, shared rituals, and collaborative projects. Each session focuses on a different theme, such as traditions, Jewish resilience, and tikkun olam (repairing the world), promoting cross-generational learning and cultural continuity. The program culminates in a final presentation where participants showcase their shared experiences and creative projects, celebrating the bonds they’ve formed. 

Students had to apply to participate in this program. There we over 20 applications! Last week students met their partners and interviewed them to learn more about their lives. We look forward to nourishing these incredible newfound relationships.

The students participating in this program are:

  1. Noa (Grade 6)
  2. Gila (Grade 6)
  3. Shayna (Grade 6)
  4. Eli (Grade 6)
  5. Nikki (Grade 6)
  6. Noa P.(Grade 7)
  7. Noa B. (Grade 7)
  8. Lily (Grade 7)
  9. Tehila (Grade 8)
  10. Ariel (Grade 8)
  11. Zohar (Grade 8)     

Lastly, our Grade 8 class recently went to KBI to help pack food for community members in need with Jewish Family Services. Students aided in the packing of boxes for the Miriam’s Well Program. 

Rabbinics Quiz on Wednesday, Dec. 4 for Grade 7

As stated in a previous post, on the homework board and in class, there will be a Rabbinics quiz on Wednesday. I have included a link to all necessary material below. Students are responsible for Mishnah Brachot 1:1-1:4 and not the 5th Mishnah on that page which we did not yet cover. There is also a math element to this quiz, which is also outlined toward the bottom of the document. I have also included a study page and vocabulary words at the bottom, which student should know for the quiz. The lists of vocab words after each Mishnah, is not necessarily part of the quiz, only the key words at the bottom. We will have a study period on Monday and I will be available to answer questions. Good luck to all and study hard!


Moreh David

Grade 7 Rabbinics – Mishnah Brachot

Here is a link to the material that we’ve been working on in class. This link contains the text of the Mishnah in both Hebrew and transliterated English, as well as the vocabulary words that will help to understand the mishnayot. Students have printed versions of each Mishnah as well, where they were instructed to keep notes that help them fully understand.

There will be a quiz on this material – the first chapter of Mishnayot Brachot (Brachot 1:1-5), as well as the math that helps to understand the “Zmanim” (prayer times) for a Jewish day. the quiz will be on December 4th.

Explanation of math:

12 hours in a Jewish day (Sunrise to sunset)

  1. We take the daylight hours and convert to minutes, then divide by 12, to find the length of an hour on any particular day. (Ex: sunrise 7am, sunset 6pm = 11 hour of sun = 660 minutes of sun. 660/12 = 55 minutes in a Jewish hour)
  2. Decide what time we want to find, such as time for Kriyat Shema is 3 hours into the daylight, or chatzot is halfway point of the day (6 hours into sunlight).
  3. Zma’an Kriyat Shema will be done at 9:45 am (3 jewish hours into the sunlight of the day) nd Chazot will be at 12:30 (6 Jewish hours into the day).
  4. We are also understanding that Shabbat comes in 18 minutes before sunset.



Baruch She’amar and Yishtabach

These two tunes are a part of the daily tefillah each morning for Middle School. We are slowly teaching the Middle School students these new tunes for these two tefillot and it would be helpful for them to listen to them at home to get to know them better. The words and recordings are attached.


Baruch She’amar and Yishtabach words

Baruch She’amar
